2 Day Pharmacology Update - 2024/10/17

Early Bird Ends 09/17/2024

2-Day Schedule: 8 AM – 4 PM (includes breaks)    
Contact Hours: 12 (12 Rx)    
Presenter: Dr. Wendy Wright 

Dr. Wright presents recent pharmacology updates that you can immediately implement in your practice. Get the latest guidance on myriad important topics for your practice!

  • New Treatments in CKD 
  • New Drug Update: Focus on newer biologics, gene therapies, weight loss, new OTCs, new warnings and more 
  • Diabetes 
  • Immunization Update 
  • HTN 
  • Lipid disorder 
  • Asthma 
  • Insomnia

Note:  To receive a certificate of attendance for this Livestream Class, full attendance on both days is required.