AGACNP Certification Exam Review (MP3)
20% off with code: NEWYEAR20
Exam Review Advantages:
- 99%+ pass rate for AACN & ANCC exams
- Pass Guarantee provides 100% peace of mind
- Prepared 140,000+ NPs to pass exams
- Presented by NP experts who practice in the certification they teach
- The most up-to-date, evidence-based NP Certification Exam reviews
- Free practice exam & hundreds of prep questions included
- Includes comprehensive printed workbook & access to online PDFs
- Unlimited attempts per test
- An excellent refresher & CE source for NPs in and returning to practice
- Bonus: tutorial with audio presentation of rationales
MP3 Player (Online components included)
Learn on the go: perfect for walking, running or driving Comes fully loaded with ear buds & 3.5 mm cable for car/speaker audio connection Durable & geared for extended use; same MP3 player used by public libraries
Note: Content is sequential & covers all exam domains. Certificate of competition with total number of contact hours earned can be found at the conclusion of the course online component.