Laboratory Data Interpretation

Package Price 199.00

Are you looking to improve your lab data interpretation skills? Using a case-based approach, this program is designed to help you refine your skills in ordering and analyzing the results of laboratory tests.

This information-packed course includes:

  • Anemias: Assessment and intervention in common and not so common
  • Management of Thyroid Disease: Too many, too little, masses
  • Laboratory Diagnostics: A focus on renal insufficiency and failure
  • Evaluation of Immunologic and Autoimmune Disorders
  • Assessment of Hepatic Function
  • Laboratory Monitoring During Drug Therapy
  • Challenging Case Studies in Laboratory Diagnosis
  • Analysis of the WBC Count and Differential
  • Management of Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: Assessment and intervention

Each program includes notes.
All contact hours are awarded upon successful completion of post-test.
Each program may be ordered individually. Use the search option to locate individual programs.

Laboratory Data Interpretation covers a full spectrum of lab tests for primary care providers: what and when to order; what they indicate.