Nurse Practitioner Leadership Skills: Opportunities for Influence

If you’re looking to expand your network, share your expertise, or help shape the future of healthcare, there are many ways for Nurse Practitioners to get involved. As a Nurse Practitioner, you have a unique skill set and perspective. Utilizing your Nurse Practitioner leadership skills, you can:

  • Advance patient care
  • Improve outcomes
  • Be a force for innovation in healthcare delivery

Where can Nurse Practitioners take on leadership opportunities? 

There are many ways Nurse Practitioners can be leaders in their communities. If you are interested in expanding your scope of work as a Nurse Practitioner and getting more involved in the broader healthcare discussion, you can look for leadership opportunities in a variety of places. 

Online Course: Optimizing Your Career as a Nurse Practitioner 

What roles are there for Nurse Practitioners in professional associations? 

The first place to consider is a professional association, such as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Professional associations offer Nurse Practitioners many ways to get involved, from elected leadership positions to seats on policy advocacy boards. Connecting with your local professional association is also a great way to network and stay engaged in trending healthcare topics. 

Professional associations develop and publish policy briefs and position papers. Topics of these papers range from professional ethics and cost-effectiveness to health disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic and therapeutic uses of marijuana. You can be part of important conversations that change the ways we think about healthcare. You can also recommend treatment for certain conditions. If you are passionate about a particular topic, contact your professional association about leadership roles.  

How can Nurse Practitioners find leadership roles in their jobs? 

The next place to look for a leadership position is in your job. Nurse Practitioners can expand their influence by seeking supervisory positions. In these positions they can train and influence the next generation of Nurse Practitioners and other healthcare professionals.  

Many employers also encourage staff to join employee associations. There Nurse Practitioners can share their expertise with younger staff. They can be part of larger workforce discussions. NPs can also advocate for changes within the organization from patient care to employee benefits. Taking on such leadership roles benefits Nurse Practitioners in their careers, and it is also a great way to influence the future of healthcare delivery. 

How can Nurse Practitioners be valuable community leaders? 

A third place Nurse Practitioners should look for leadership opportunities is in their communities. There are countless ways in which Nurse Practitioners can make a difference in their communities. Consider serving on your local school board. Speak up at town hall meetings. Volunteer with a local non-profit organization that works in a field you care about.  

Nurse Practitioners have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in public and population health topics. You are an asset to any conversation. If there isn’t a local advocacy group discussing a particular issue in your area, be the one to start it. Consider contacting parents, professionals, and other concerned citizens. You can do this through:

  • Social media
  • An op-ed in your local newspaper
  • A town hall meeting

The unique perspective Nurse Practitioners offer larger healthcare conversations 

Before you count yourself out on any of these leadership roles, remember some of the key reasons Nurse Practitioners are well-suited to leadership roles. Take confidence in the education and work experience that you bring to the table! 

How Nurse Practitioners see the bigger picture 

As a certified Nurse Practitioner, your training covers nearly every population in any care setting. Nurse Practitioners are the jack-of-all-trades of the healthcare industry. This allows you to see the bigger picture from a population health standpoint. This means that you can treat an individual patient with personalized care. You also understand their conditions in the context of their environment and society. 

Why Nurse Practitioners have a well-rounded perspective 

Many important healthcare conversations center around chronic conditions: disease prevention, patient education, pharmacology, and management. This is a particular area of strength that you as a Nurse Practitioner possess. NPs have experience in current hot topics like opioids, marijuana, diabetes, aging, mental health, and telemedicine.

What can Nurse Practitioners do in leadership positions? 

With their unique perspectives and expertise, Nurse Practitioners can be forces for good in leadership positions. Landing a role on a board, professional association, or community is the perfect way to make a huge difference in healthcare reform. With your Nurse Practitioner leadership skills, you’re well-suited to advance patient care, improve outcomes, and shape the overall future of healthcare delivery. 

How Nurse Practitioners can advance patient care and improve outcomes 

As the healthcare industry trends toward personalized, patient-centered care, Nurse Practitioners are poised to be expert models in this work. Nurse Practitioners know how to deliver quality patient education for the management of chronic conditions. In an organization, Nurse Practitioners can train other staff or help implement a policy or protocol reform in this area.  

How Nurse Practitioners can shape the future of healthcare delivery 

Furthermore, Nurse Practitioners have training in population health and health disparities. Nurse Practitioners can shape not only the future of healthcare delivery but also the future of population health. They can be a voice for marginalized communities and help close the gap of health disparities in essential ways.

Why Nurse Practitioners should get involved in other issues  

Social and health issues do not exist in silos. Helping create healthier communities necessarily involves improving access to housing, jobs, education, healthcare, and more. If this is something you feel passionate about, you can do some research into local issues in your community.

The opportunities to use your Nurse Practitioner leadership skills and make a difference are endless. Consider what you are passionate about. There will surely be a way for you to use your education and expertise for the greater good. 

Earn CE hours with our online course on Optimizing Your Career as a Nurse Practitioner (free with Passport Membership)! 

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