Frequently Asked Questions

You can find some of the most common questions about Fitzgerald products and services below.

If you still have questions or cannot find what you’re looking for, please contact the Fitzgerald customer service team directly via email at or call us at 1-800-927-5380. When you call, be sure to have a valid email address on hand so that we can quickly confirm your account information.

Account Information Set Up & Retrieval

How do I access my Fitzgerald Health Online Learning Portal?
How do I change my password?
How do I edit my User Profile?
How do I setup a new account?
What should I do if I forget my password?
What should I do if I forget my username?
What should I do if I need a personal email address to create an account?

CE/Contact Hours & Certificate

Are contact hours accredited?
How are contact hours calculated?
How can contact hours be used for CME credit?
How do I get my certificate of completion?
How long does it take to get my certificate?
What do I do if there is an error on my certificate?
Why is my certificate locked?

Company Information

Contact information
Hours of operation
How can I speak with a live person?
Our core values

Course Testing

Do I need to take and pass a test to get my certificate?
How do I view my assessment results?
Why was my test not saved?
Family NP QBank FAQs

Courses & Packages

Can I print my course material?
Do I need to take the entire course in one sitting?
How do online courses work?
How do I purchase a course?
How do I reschedule my class?
How do packages work?
What do I do if I have questions, problems, or concerns about my course?
Why is my course expired?


Important information for people with disabilities

Live In-Person Seminars and LiveStream Courses

Important Information for Live in-Person/Livestream Review Course Attendees
What do I need to know after my live in-person/Livestream course is over?
What do I need to know before registering for a live in-person course?
What do I need to know if I take a LiveStream course?
What information will I need the day I attend a live in-person seminar?

Purchases, Refunds & Promotional Discounts

Are group discounts available?
Are there discounts available for early enrollments?
Can you email me my receipt?
Do you have promotional codes?
How do I find out what is currently on sale/discounted?
How do I request a refund or cancellation?
What is FHEA’s Best Price Policy?

Tech Help & Troubleshooting

Can I take my courses on an iPad?
Can I take online courses from different computers?
Clearing cache and cookies – Google Chrome
Clearing Cache and Cookies – iPad
Clearing cache and cookies – Mozilla Firefox
Clearing cookies and temporary internet files – Internet Explorer

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